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Hurricane Irma - Georgia Update #5

Colleges in Georgia that are currently closed due to Hurricane Irma. To the best of our knowledge, all other campuses for all other Georgia universities and colleges have reopened:

  1. Brewton-Parker College - Mt. Vernon campus will reopen and classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  2. Coastal Pines Technical College - All campuses closed the remainder of the week, campuses reopen and classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  3. East Georgia State College - Statesboro reopens and classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  4. Point University - Savannah campus has reopened for staff today; classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  5. South Georgia State College - Classes will resume 9/18. Updates via

  6. Thomas University - Campus will reopen and classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  7. Truett McConnell University - Closed 9/11-9/15, expected to reopen, and classes resume 9/18. Updates via

  8. University System of Georgia, as follows below:

    1. Armstrong State University - Savannah and Armstrong Liberty Center closed through 9/17; Classes expected to resume 9/18. Updates via

    2. Georgia Southern University - Reopening and classes resume 9/18; Staff expected to report 9/15. Updates via

  9. Wiregrass Georgia Technical College - Faculty and staff report 9/14 & 9/15; classes resume 9/18. Updates via


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