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Hurricane Nate - Update 1

Current closings due to Hurricane Nate. Will continue to be updated as information becomes available


  1. Pensacola State College - Closes at 5 pm 10/7 and will remain closed 10/8

  2. University of West Florida - All locations closed and classes cancelled starting noon 10/7 through Monday 10/9; Campus reopens and classes resume 10/10


  1. Spring Hill College - closed for non-essential personnel on Monday 10/9

  2. United States Sports Academy - closed noon CST 10/6 - 8 am CST 10/9

  3. University of Mobile - closed noon 10/7 - Monday 10/9

  4. University of South Alabama - classes cancelled and campus closed 10/7-10/9


  1. Jones County Junior College - All campuses closed and classes cancelled through Monday (10/9), reopening on Tuesday 10/10

  2. University of Southern Mississippi - Hattiesburg campus closed through Sunday (10/8); coastal campuses closed through Monday (10/9)

  3. William Carey University - Hattiesburg campus closed from 5 pm Saturday through 4 pm Sunday (10/8)


  1. Baton Rouge Community College - All campuses closed starting at 1 pm 10/7 until further notice

  2. Delgado Community College - All campuses except the Maritime and Industrial Training Center closed from noon Friday (10/6) until further notice

  3. Dillard University - Campus closed until further notice.

  4. Louisiana State University - Health Science Center (New Orleans) - Campus closed through Sunday (10/8)

  5. University of New Orleans - Recreation and Fitness center closed this weekend

  6. Loyola University New Orleans - Campus closed and classes cancelled through Sunday (10/8)

  7. Nicholls State University - Campus closed and curfew in place starting 7 pm 10/7 until further notice

  8. Nunez Community College - Campus closed Noon 10/6, expected to reopen Monday (10/9)

  9. University of Holy Cross - New Orleans - Campus closed 7pm 10/6 until further notice

  10. Southeastern Louisiana University - Campus closed through 10/8

  11. Tulane University - Campus closed through at least 10/8

  12. Xavier University of Louisiana - Campus closed through at least 10/8


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